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We are at the entrance of a modern flat. We will see that you can get many important services from the comfort of your own home.
You are greeted by a smart speaker, which you can use to pay for services without getting distracted from your business at home.
To the left of the entrance you will find comfortable chairs. You can sit down, do a health check-up and get an online consultation with a doctor based on the results of the exam.
Opposite of that is a free-standing digital mortgage counter. Here you will learn how to pick a flat and apply for a mortgage without collecting a lot of paperwork or standing in long queues.
In real time, before your very eyes, your dream flat appears and you can go through a virtual mortgage application right away.
For passing this simulation, digital game rubles await you as well.

Being in the flat, we invite you to the lounge area.

Nowadays to get an array of things done you do not need to go to the bank, just open the app on your phone. Transfer money between your accounts or to someone else, top up your phone, pay your insurance and much more.
So now, sitting on the sofa, moving around interface elements on your tablet you can build your own bank application and, of course, earn digital game rubles.
Next to the lounge area sits the “window of opportunity”. On the mirror touch screen, based on your preferences and aptitudes, you can select a fitting profession and find out about social educational loans. After all, credit is not only a way to buy something you like, but also an opportunity to get an education, among other things. Digital game rubles await you here as well.
To the right of the “window of opportunity” we see the Entrepreneur's home office. Here you can learn how to create a legal entity or become an individual entrepreneur. For speedrunning the task you will receive digital game rubles.
Despite this, sometimes you can't go without visiting a bank branch.
We have seen that nowadays you can make use of a large number of different services without leaving your home.
We invite you to see how bank offices have changed compared to what you saw in the “Past” hall. Let's go downstairs and over to the next hall.